NHS Services
NHS Services
A huge range of private and NHS services available for most of your health needs.
New Medicine Service
The New Medicine Service (NMS) is a free NHS service that provides support for people with long-term conditions newly prescribed a medicine.
Urgent medication supply (cpcs/111)
The service, which replaced the NUMSAS and DMIRS pilots, connects patients who have a minor illness or need an urgent supply of a medicine with a community pharmacy.
Electronic prescription service
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) sends electronic prescriptions from GP practices to pharmacies. Eventually EPS will remove the need for most paper prescriptions.
Repeat prescription service
We can order your repeat prescription on your behalf with your consent.
Private consultation room available
Patients are able to speak to our pharmacist in a discreet and private manner
NHS stop smoking service available
One of our team will help create a plan for you and provide nicotine replacement products. They will have regular reviews with you to monitor your progress and to provide information and encouragement during this journey.
Metered dosage systems (dosette)
This service is for those patients who take a large number of medications or who can’t remember to take their medications on time due to their conditions or circumstance. We will put your medication in a weekly pack which is easy to follow, allowing better compliance and safe administration of medicines.
Flu vaccination service
This service protects yourself and your loved ones this winter season against flu with our NHS and private flu jab services. The flu vaccination service is usually available between September and March.
Unwanted medicine disposal
If you have unused/expired prescription medicines just bring them to the pharmacy for a safe disposal. This is a free service available to the public. It is not safe to put unwanted/expired medicine in domestic bins.