Stone Pharmacy works in partnership with the NHS to offer professional health advice

Feeling excessively thirsty, urinating more frequently, blurred vision and being extremely tired all the time can be signs of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the body's immune system attacking the cells that produce insulin, whereas type 2 is where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or react to it quickly. Type 1 diabetes can’t be avoided with lifestyle changes but type 2 can be. The NHS recommends maintaining a healthy weight, exercising frequently, stopping smoking and cutting down on alcohol.

Being overweight
A BMI of 30 or over or a weight to height ratio of over 0.5 could mean you are obese. Risks associated with obesity include type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, some types of cancer and strokes. Many factors can cause obesity including lifestyle, medication and genetics. Eating a balanced diet and regularly exercising can help you get your weight under control and lower health risks. Talk to our team for friendly advice on how you could make positive changes in your life,

Stopping smoking
Stopping smoking not only reduces physical health risks, it could also improve your mental health too. However, as many smokers find smoking helps them keep calm when stressed, this combined with its addictive effects can make it very hard to stop. An NHS Stop Smoking Service available in our pharmacy. Please speak to our Stop Smoking expert today by calling 01322 382063.

Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is a condition where the walls of the arteries that supply the heart with blood become blocked with a build-up of fatty substances. Those with high blood pressure or diabetes are particularly at risk. Making lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, stopping smoking and eating healthily can be effective in reducing the chances of complications from coronary heart disease, such as heart attacks.
For more tailored health advice contact us to book an appointment with our pharmacy team.
Phone Number: 01322 382063
Email: info@stone-pharmacy.co.uk
229 London Rd
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9am to 6.30pm
Closed: 1pm to 2pm
9am - 6pm
Closed: 1pm to 2pm
9am to 6.30pm
Closed: 1pm to 2pm
9am - 1pm